Every Cuppa Counts

Watch BBC One programme “Hugh’s War on Waste” for more the scourge of single use coffee cups we’re creating every day.

Most people believe disposable coffee cups can be recycled or composted.

The mixture of plastic and paper in the lining makes them difficult to recycle; compostable cups can only be composted in high-heat, industrial composting facilities, not your backyard worm farm.


Just one cuppa is no big deal.

Just one takeaway cuppa per day amounts to over 50 kilos of waste per year. 1 in 5 people visit a coffee shop daily and 120 billion coffee cups are thrown away every year in the US – one fifth the global total. In the UK, 2.5 billion are tossed in the tip annually.


If you don’t offer takeaway cups, your business will suffer.

In June 2018, UK-based coffee shop Boston Tea Party completely removed single-use cups from its 30 stores. Takeaway sales dropped by 25%, which they anticipated. What they didn’t expect: staff turnover dropped to zero, saving the business $1.27 million per year in training costs alone.

Alternatives don’t work. People just want their coffee.

Shops that offer incentives, like discounts on coffee, see an increase in customers who bring their own cups. Offering in-house mugs and asking customers if they want their drinks “for here or takeaway” increased uptake of reuseables from an average of 18% to 57% during a pilot test.

Find more facts and resources for dealing with the problem of sip and tip HERE.